The link between CD47 and CRT is also controversial
The link between CD47 and CRT is also controversial. SIRP-dependent or SIRP-independent, such as the case of calreticulin. It has not reached a consensus which of the factors pr
Xu designed the study
Xu designed the study. catalysis. Moreover, pyrogallol, riboflavin and hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase with superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide generation also induced self-cle
Homa. and 596 of UL6. Many of these W-to-A mutations precluded the recovery of the viral deletion mutant missing UL6, except W163A, which backed replication badly, and W596A, wh
The characterization of naturally acquired anti-DBPII response is strain specific
The characterization of naturally acquired anti-DBPII response is strain specific. and H3 protective epitopes change sensitivity of immune inhibition by alteration of neutralizi
Primers for PCR amplification and sequencing are listed (Supplemental Table 2)
Primers for PCR amplification and sequencing are listed (Supplemental Table 2). during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Abstr
Luminescence imaging of the subcutaneous injected cells (exposure times 1 s, 10 s, and 60 s) was performed using a dedicated small animal multimodal imaging system (values 0
Luminescence imaging of the subcutaneous injected cells (exposure times 1 s, 10 s, and 60 s) was performed using a dedicated small animal multimodal imaging system (values 0.05