Anti-B tended to have a beneficial effect, short-term survival being 90% (= 0
Anti-B tended to have a beneficial effect, short-term survival being 90% (= 0.08 vs other patients). females and 26% of males. Anti-A and anti-B were about evenly distributed between the sexes. On the other hand, anti-C, anti-D and HBsAg showed a striking difference, each being far less prevalent among females (all, 0.0002). Table 1 Patient SexRelationship to Short-Term Survival and Hepatitis Markers* 0.001). Table 2 Year of BirthRelationship To Short-Term Survival, Hepatitis Markers, and Sex* = 0.0008. Year of OLTx Table 3 divides the patients by Fasudil HCl (HA-1077) year of primary liver transplant. No significant trends are apparent. Table 3 Year of Liver TransplantRelationship to Short-Term Survival, Hepatitis Markers, And Sex* 0.0001), PBC (= 0.006), and malignancy (= 0.001). Anti-A was found in 57% of all patients. It was least frequent in PSC (= 0.0001). Anti-B was found in 18% of all patients and varied from 10% in PBC to 32% in acute hepatitis. Anti-C was most frequent in NANB hepatitis (49%) but was also found in hepatitis B (35%) and cryptogenic cirrhosis (21%). HBsAg was found in 96 patients (17%), the large majority of which were diagnosed as having chronic hepatitis B, Budd-Chiari, Wilsons disease, or acute hepatitis. Table 4 also shows the sex distribution among the various diagnoses. Those suffering from PBC and from Budd-Chiari were 90% female. Hepatitis B (89%) and alcoholic cirrhosis (80%) occurred primarily in males. Sclerosing cholangitis, malignancy, 1-antitrypsin deficiency, acute hepatitis, and cryptogenic cirrhosis all were found in 58% or more of males. Interrelationship Between Anti-B, Anti-D, and HBsAg and Short-Term Survival of Patients HBsAg and anti-B were tested on all patient samples (573), but anti-D was done only when either or both of these were positive (185 samples). Table 5 shows the results: 388 (68%) were negative for HBsAg and anti-B. HBsAg was positive in 96; alone in 66, with anti-D in 15, with anti-B in 10, and with both in 5. Anti-B was positive in 104; alone in 88, with anti-D in 1, and as stated in the last sentence, with HBsAg in 10 and with both in 5. Short-term survival is shown in the last column. Anti-B tended to have a beneficial effect, short-term survival being 90% (= 0.08 vs other patients). Patients with HBsAg, alone or in combination with anti-D, had short-term survivals of 71C73%. Table 5 Numbers and Short-Term Goat polyclonal to IgG (H+L) Survival of Patients With HBSAg and/or Anti-B and/or Anti-D = 0.57) or in combination (= 0.08) survival was improved. ?See Table 1. Hepatitis Marker Patterns Table 6 shows, in the left-hand column, the 24 patterns that were found (28 patterns are possible; .B.D-., .BC.-B, AB.D-., ABCD-. were not exemplified). The short-term survival appears to relate to the marker pattern. In the lowest group in the left-hand column containing both anti-A and B antigen, the short-term survival is significantly lower (72%) than in the other three groups combined ( 0.02), including B antigen without anti-A (86%) and anti-A without B antigen (83%). Marker patterns that occurred in more than 20 patients are as follows: A../-.(180), /-.(158), AB..-.(45), A -B(34), .. C/.(27), A.C/-.(23), .. C/-.(23) and .B..-.(22). Of these common patterns, reduced short-term survival was found only in A-B. DISCUSSION The testing of hepatovirus markers is important in OLTx patients in two waysin establishing a diagnosis and in demonstrating a risk factor. The high prevalence of anti-HAV (anti-A) in these patients raises the questions of whether this virus has been underestimated as a cause of clinical disease or as a synergist for other hepatoviruses Fasudil HCl (HA-1077) or as a predisposing factor for subsequent nonviral diseases. In other words, does a mild, limited hepatitis A infection leave enough liver damage to set the stage for additional liver disease? Only sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) shows no increase above the estimated US incidence rate of 35C40% in adults (3). Of particular interest is the Fasudil HCl (HA-1077) recent description by Prochazka et al (4) of a strong genetic disposition in PSC. These authors demonstrated the HLA type DRW 52a in 100% of PSC patients tested. In this disease environmental factors such as virus exposure may not play any significant role. Of the patients with anti-A, only two were positive for IgM and both had been diagnosed with acute hepatitis A. The hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been shown to be the major cause of NANB hepatitis (5). In our series, 25 (49%) of the 51 patients diagnosed as having NANB hepatitis showed the anti-C marker alone or in combination. Of the entire group of OLTx patients anti-C was found in 17%, a value.